Week 12


'Inverse Nolli' - Elise Robertson

Ebenezer Howard's Garden City

Ebenezer Howards Garden City was a response to the overcrowded London during the 1890's. He designed a masterplan that consisted of smaller communities with large parks in between them in a circular pattern. He focused on small scaled, walk-able, mixed use areas within and around the main cities and discouraged the use of cars, preferring to have the main transport be by train. One downfall of this type of development is that there is a limited capacity for residents and future growth, also there is usually limit on the technological and mobility needs for the city.

Le Corbusiers Radiant City 1935

Le Corbusier's idea of a utopian city led him to design the Radiant City, a seemingly 'perfect' city to live in based on his theories and perception on what a city 'should' be.
The city consisted of:
- Residential towers separated above the landscape. People could walk around and interact in public space underneath the residential towers and elevated walkways.
- Hygienic living environment. each tower and public space has access to sunlight and ventilation.
- Prevented need for urban sprawl

By looking at these 'utopian' style developments, we need to ask ourselves whether or not these meet the everyday needs of modern cities?
- Urban sprawl which is already established. In a city where urban sprawl is well established, how do these 'perfect' cities managed to take place. Are they only good for a 'blank canvas' city development?
- cities require cars. This day and ages practically everyone relies on using a car as their main mode of transport. These utopian ideas discussed have a strong emphasis on small, walkable spaces and public transport, restricting the ability for people to drive around the city.
- 'Australian' dream house and land. Many people want the 'dream house'. In Australia that typically means having a large house and a big backyard in a quiet suburban landscape. How many people really want to live and raise a family in an apartment like Le Corbusier's?
- Technological connections. The need for a ever-developing city is essential today as the changed in technology are non-stop and such things as phone and Internet are now a nessessity for people to live their daily lives.
- Environmental concerns/sustainable living.

Landscape urbanism is an attempted holistic approach to address these concerns. It brings together knowledge from various disciplines, such as ecology, sustainable building, urban morphology, infrastructure, social cohesion, and aims to achieve sustainable environments while accepting technology and urban development.


Freshkills Park in New York is a public development situated on an old landfill site. The purpose was to reclaim this land use it for public use.The park has been designed for five major sections that accommodate a range of uses, including cultural, athletic, and educational programs. 

Five important point about Freshkills Park

- Restoration. Reclaiming the land and turning it into a worthwhile development that benefits the community.
- Recreational, cultural, artistic, education use. Caters for a wide range of users, all of which are beneficial to the users.
- Adapatibility, flexibility. Areas can be used for a wide range of activities and has the space to expand depending on the communities needs.
- Self sustaining. Utilises sustainable practises for energy, water use, waste management to ensure that the park has little to no environmental impact and continues its legacy of being 'fresh' place to be.
- Accomodate diversity. A wide range of activities are available, from recreational to educational. 

Today's lecture really focused on one main point. About addressing simple issues with simple solutions


As far as the assignment goes, I am up to beginning wiritng my report and have developed a list of things to talk about. This is my proposed plan of attack for my report:

Brief intro to Mainz  
Introduce the church and surrounding context (old city)
Church's history
Architectural aspects
City Layout
Social Context
Sense of Place
Building Typologies 
Compare to the other main church in the new city

Hopefully by next week i will have my report done, and have most of my diagrams finished as well.

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